Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my awesome news!!

so i had a follow up doc visit with whom i was referred by the e.r.
and he agreed that it is an injury to my ligaments and he had THIS to say:

"Oftentimes, soft tissue injuries can be more painful than actual damage to the bone. If you're feeling better a month from now you're on the right track."



so i'm supposed to just chill. i'm not allowed to exercise, which SUCKS for at least 2-3 months. the pain has to be completely GONE before i can start doing anything again- and i'm still not supposed to lift, so you know
tell that to my 2yearold.

(fig1.human spine)

so i suppose we will wait and see.

gosh, i'm excited.


Anonymous said...

That's been my experience when I threw my back out.

I guess it makes sense about muscle and bone. Years ago in the last Super Bowl the Bengals went to (I can't even write that anymore without sobbing) Tim Krumrie broke his leg and they played the footage of it flopping like a dead trout about 18 times an hour. He was back next season.

Then you have guys who tear a muscle and it ends their career.

Just remembering my back, I hope you have good painkillers.

mandy jeanne said...

thanks for the good thoughts... my doc seems to think advil is the ticket, so you know- i'm thinking it might be second opinion time.

i mean, i can't even shift gears without wincing! ai yi yi!!