Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"...cos it too HOT!"


today there was a heat advisory, like we wouldn't have picked up on it otherwise ("Oh YEAH it IS hot outside....") ... the news reminded you to check on pets and the elderly.


elderly... don't own any.

it was miserable in the house. i turned on the ice machine, but it wasn't too happy about it and didn't make much ice.

i have to start painting and upholstering the tables so they lose that stunning hospital cafeteria chic. i bought some spray paint for the primer coat but, alas, it says to use in low humidity....hmmm....

i guess spray paint only works in the winter in cincinnati.

damn ohio valley.

Hey- whats up with people who pronounce Missouri "miz-OR-uh"


1 comment:

Axinar said...

Presumably the same thing that is up with the people who pronounce it "Cin-ci-nah-tuh" ... :)