Friday, May 25, 2007

ultra-long day

on the bright side i am not on my period, but i didn't get any new tattoos today.
in order to keep this from happening in the future i am hereby open to monetary donations toward my new tattoos. i think-- if we all pitch in-- things could really start happening.

so what else happened...

ive worked my ass off all day. i have to admit im having a mild integrity crisis, and i feel like i need to kick my ass back on track. so i went to school today- and i was proud of myself because i yelled at some disruptive students, and i was like-- a bitch!!!

i worked from six am til noon went to class til about 2 went to work again at 4 got home at ten.

can you say le .s.k.u.l.l.f.u.c.k.e.d

horray for long weekends.

except all i get to is work.


donations for tattoos please.

(i will bake you a pineapple upside down cake, as long as you promise not to take the cake to mt. lookout)

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