Tuesday, August 11, 2009

what do ya know...

i know everything. i wish i did. i am glad i don't.

you never know the hard roads until they're underfoot, and

out of control.

doesn't matter how many steep, rocky paths upon which you've embarked-

you can only get better.

learn and try-

fuck up and learn-

learn how to live and accept the inevitable life dice-

we all die.

i have so much to live for.

so much to be thankful for.

i have so many to love and who love back.

some love is distant.

some love is close by,

some love is an ebb tide-

the shore you will always look

for footprints.

people come

people go.

i will come

and i will go.


not now, please




it is not yet my time.

please don't take me away....
