it is 4 am
i have to be back at work at 830 am
instead of napping i wrote this letter to sam
i saw radiohead came out with a new disc, but i didn't pick it up.
i hung on to radiohead strong thru kid a, but purchased amnesiac by default, and almost as an afterthought.
i loved amnesiac, i played it quite often, but something changed.
i got mad at a friend once, because he hated kid a (his last stop) and remarked:
"radiohead is playing you like a fiddle"
i rejected the idea, naturally.
but soon enough it started to sink in, so i took amnesiac skeptically.
i couldn't figure out what the difference was, but here i have it broke down:
1. pablo honey was a mess
2. the bends was a freaking rock tour de force
3. ok computer was unlike anything ever heard before- the whole cd built towards such a subtle climax you missed it the first time thru
4. kid a was dazzling and dreamy and great to sleep to. in so many ways it came off as the anti-computer. a friend of mine demanded "Why isn't Thom Yorke screaming?" (I said, "We can't all be Jeff Buckley.")
5. amnesiac was intelligent, and moves with a current. suddenly that feeling of "radiohead is playing me a concerto" changes into "radiohead wants me to follow them somewhere." and i'm sure mr. Yorke has frequented his fair share of rabbit holes.
6. hail to the thief is largely forgotten among many people. it's nearly as hard to name off as pablo honey in large circles of quasi-radiohead fans, and those who like radiohead but profess to know so much more than they really do about the band because of the neo-hipster fascination infecting our youth like the clap.
7. in rainbows: i know nothing of it. i am intrigued. it has been some time since we heard from radiohead. i am 100% certain i will possess it soon, because its radiohead and i have to.
so there you are.
p.s. (you were definitely expecting this, yes?) i read this thru before i sent it and i tummy-laffed at the line "i'm sure mr. yorke has frequented his fair share of rabbit holes!" because it sounds really, terribly LAME and i said it. of course i would, it is something i would say. HA!
and also yes, i realize fully that i am babbling, forgive me it was a long night at work and i have no one to talk to.